About Me: I am a 13 year old high school student who loves God and likes music a lot.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry Christmas Medley with Pat

Merry Christmas people! I've made a video with my friend Patricia. She has a blog too. Lemme give you a link to Patricia's blog. So we sang a few songs for you. To be honest, we actually cut the video short. We filmed during the Christmas Party but we got shy and didn't really finish the medley. So sorry guys! I promise to shoot another video, but I can't promise that Patricia will be in the video too. We were supposed to sing Silent Night, Last Christmas, Jingle Bell Rock, O Come All Ye Faithful, and We Wish You A Merry Christmas. But we weren't able to finish much and stopped at Jingle Bell Rock. Hope you guys like the video. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guys!
- Godwin

Friday, December 13, 2013

Blog Lovin 101

Guess who visited my club? Ms.Patty Laurel did! Oh yeaah! So...who is she? Well let me tell you. :)

Well about telling you, I won't. Hahaha. Instead let me redirect you to Ms. Patty's blog and maybe you can check it out. Now I'll be talking.

Our club at school Bloggers' Hub invited a guest speaker to help us with blogging. At first I wasn't too enthusiastic about it thinking "Oh man! Club time and I've got to listen to a person I don't even know." Well as soon as we got to the room and she started talking it all changed. I was like "It's not as boring as I imagined it to be." Honestly speaking I thought Ms.Patty was some 40 something woman who'll just babble about how to do this and that. Haha. I guess I was wrong. Oh well.

So, the song. Why "Who's that girl"? Well I was like "Who is that? Is she supposed to be the speaker?" Yep! She pretty much amazed me on how she spoke on what to and not to post and things like that. The moral I've learned is kinda cliche but I'll say it anyway. Hahaha! :) I learned "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Anyway here's a link to Ms.Patty's blog again and here's Who's that Girl by Guy Sebastian. Hope you guys like it.