About Me: I am a 13 year old high school student who loves God and likes music a lot.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry Christmas Medley with Pat

Merry Christmas people! I've made a video with my friend Patricia. She has a blog too. Lemme give you a link to Patricia's blog. So we sang a few songs for you. To be honest, we actually cut the video short. We filmed during the Christmas Party but we got shy and didn't really finish the medley. So sorry guys! I promise to shoot another video, but I can't promise that Patricia will be in the video too. We were supposed to sing Silent Night, Last Christmas, Jingle Bell Rock, O Come All Ye Faithful, and We Wish You A Merry Christmas. But we weren't able to finish much and stopped at Jingle Bell Rock. Hope you guys like the video. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guys!
- Godwin

Friday, December 13, 2013

Blog Lovin 101

Guess who visited my club? Ms.Patty Laurel did! Oh yeaah! So...who is she? Well let me tell you. :)

Well about telling you, I won't. Hahaha. Instead let me redirect you to Ms. Patty's blog and maybe you can check it out. Now I'll be talking.

Our club at school Bloggers' Hub invited a guest speaker to help us with blogging. At first I wasn't too enthusiastic about it thinking "Oh man! Club time and I've got to listen to a person I don't even know." Well as soon as we got to the room and she started talking it all changed. I was like "It's not as boring as I imagined it to be." Honestly speaking I thought Ms.Patty was some 40 something woman who'll just babble about how to do this and that. Haha. I guess I was wrong. Oh well.

So, the song. Why "Who's that girl"? Well I was like "Who is that? Is she supposed to be the speaker?" Yep! She pretty much amazed me on how she spoke on what to and not to post and things like that. The moral I've learned is kinda cliche but I'll say it anyway. Hahaha! :) I learned "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Anyway here's a link to Ms.Patty's blog again and here's Who's that Girl by Guy Sebastian. Hope you guys like it.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Foooooooooooood! Cupcake version :))

Sup peeps? Anyways...I'm so sorry for not posting for a while. The was an unfortunate incident which is me not being able to access my blog. So happy I can finally post.

So I shall relate first the picture to a song. I kind of changed the lyrics of Taylor Swift's Red. Changed "him" to "em". Hahaha. See what I did there? :) So it's obvious why I chose "Red". I MADE RED VELVET CUPCAKES! :)) But of course, I didn't do it alone.

I made it with a group from the club "Baker's Delight." It was awesome. Freaking awesome! :) The people I joined were so kind. They allowed me to do stuff. That's probably because I knew some of the group's members and I made new friends! Yey me!

The club thought me a lot. Cooking/baking is not that complicated. Teamwork is needed to accomplish something. And also it reminded me how I should cherish food for it is God's blessing and many people out there can't get access to the food I have access to.

So here's a link to Taylor Swift's Red if you want to watch or listen to it.

I hope you guys liked it and I hope you continue to check out my blog once in a while. I'll try my best to update. Also you guys can leave a comment on what you want to see on my next post. I'll do what I can to grant them. :))


Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Top 5 Songs

Hey! I'll be making a top 5 list of my favorite songs.

5. Beneath the Waters by Hillsong

This is a reminder that Christ died for our sins. He died, but rose to life again. He forgave each and every one of our sins.

4. Strength of my Life by Planetshakers

Well, the title explains it. God should be our strength.

3. Holding Nothing Back by Jesus Culture

The song is a reminder for us that God has died for us. Our sins are forgiven! We are free! Let us use this freedom to live our lives for the Lord!

2. The Great I am - New Life Worship

This song inspires me a lot. It tells me that God is bigger than any of our problems. He is stronger and more powerful than the enemy.

1. Here's my top 1 song:

The Stand by Hillsong
This has been my favorite song ever since I heard it. It tells us to take a stand and surrender our lives for God.

Hope you listen to the songs! Leave comments on what you think I should make a post about. Well...that's about all of it. Bye bye!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Awkward you say? Take a look at this! I was scrolling at my photos at Facebook when I saw this...and well...I decided to share this. One thing's for sure...I'm bananas for bananas! Well...I probably got it from my grandmother who loves to eat fruits. In fact she sometimes eats those that aren't ripe yet.

I bet you ask "Why is an awkward picture with the song lyrics of Titanium?" well...here's the answer! We are not perfect. Not a single bit. There will be times when we do something wrong or when we think everything is falling apart. Our imperfection will lead to one thing...criticism. There will be that person who will criticize you, judge you for your mistakes or even use your inability to hurt you. I believe that we should not take these criticism as something that degrades us, but as something that will make us stronger. Criticism may hurt, but it can help us improve.

I simply love how God created me. I love every detail that adds up my whole being. My weirdness, happiness, sadness, everything that made me who I am now is something I embrace. I am who God created me to be. I encourage everyone to embrace their own strengths and weaknesses and just be thankful of what God has given you! :)

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Musica Exprezz

Hello! I'm Godwin a high school student. I am a Christian and well...I love music! As you can probably see I put song lyrics to the picture. It's "Mirror by Li'l Wayne ft. Bruno Mars". I simply love this song because of the lyrics. I find myself relating to the song every time...well maybe not every time.

So basically, my blog is music-related. I'll be putting posts related to music. The title "musicaexprezz" is my version of saying "express using music". I found music as my second way of comforting or expressing myself. I loved music ever since I was a kid. I used to dance and sing when I was younger so I grew up exposed to music.

Well...that's it for now! Hope you do visit my blog from time to time!